Data Structure E&TC

Electronics / E & Tc Engineering - Data Structures

Course Objectives: 

To learn basic concepts of C Programming language. 

  1. To learn different sorting and searching algorithms and their analysis. 
  1. To learn linear data structures: Stack and Queue, Linked List and their applications. 
  1. To learn nonlinear data structures: Tree, Graph and their applications. 
  1. To study the systematic ways of solving problem, various methods of organizing large amount of data. 
  1. To solve problems using data structures such as binary tree, binary search tree, and graph and w riting programs. 

Course Outcomes: 

On completion of the course, learner will be able to - 

CO1: Solve mathematical problems using C programming language. 

CO2: Implement sorting and searching algorithms and calculate their complexity. 

CO3: Develop applications of stack and queue using array. 

CO4: Demonstrate applicability of Linked List. 

CO5: Demonstrate applicability of nonlinear data structures - Binary Tree with respect to its time complexity. 

CO6: Apply the knowledge of graph for solving the problems of spanning tree and shortest path algorithm.

Course Contents

Unit I Introduction to C Programming (08 Hrs) 

C Fundamentals: Constants, Variables and Keywords in C, Operators, Bitwise Operations, Decision Control and Looping Statements. 
Arrays & Pointers: Arrays, Functions, Recursive Functions, Pointers, String Manipulations, Structures, Union, Enumeration, MACROS. 
File Handling: File Operations- Open, Close, Read, Write and Append.
Mapping of Course Outcomes for Unit I CO1: Solve mathematical problems using C programming language.

Unit II Searching and Sorting Algorithms (06 Hrs) 

Algorithms: Analysis of Iterative and Recursive algorithms, Space & Time complexity, Asymptotic notation- Big-O, Theta and Omega notations. 
Searching methods: Linear, Binary and Fibonacci Search. 
Sorting methods: Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Merge, and Quick Sort. 
Mapping of Course Outcomes for Unit II CO2: Implement sorting and searching algorithms and calculate their complexity. 

Unit III Stack and Queue (06 Hrs) 

Stack: Concept, Basic Stack operations, Array representation of stack, Stack as ADT, Stack Applications: Reversing data, Arithmetic expressions conversion and evaluation. 
Queue: Concept, Queue operations, Array representation of queue, Queue as ADT, Circular queue, Priority Queue, Applications of queue: Categorizing data, Simulation of queue. 
Mapping of Course Outcomes for Unit III CO3: Develop applications of stack and queue using array. 

Unit IV Linked List (06 Hrs) 

Concept of linked organization, Singly Linked List, Stack using linked list, Queue using linked list, Doubly Linked List, Circular Linked List, Linked list as ADT. 
Representation and manipulations of polynomials using linked list, comparison of sequential and linked organization. 
Mapping of Course Outcomes for Unit IV CO4: Demonstrate applicability of Linked List. 

Unit V Trees (06 Hrs) 

Introduction to trees: Basic Tree Concepts. Binary Trees: Concept & Terminologies, Representation of Binary Tree in memory, Traversing a binary tree. 
Binary Search Trees (BST): Basic Concepts, BST operations, Concept of Threaded Binary Search Tree AVL Tree: Basic concepts and rotations of a Tree. 
Mapping of Course Outcomes for Unit V CO5: Demonstrate applicability of nonlinear data structures - Binary Tree with respect to its time complexity. 

Unit VI Graphs (06 Hrs) 

Graph: Basic Concepts & terminology. Representation of graphs: Adjacency matrix, Adjacency list. Operations on graph: Traversing a graph. Spanning trees: Minimum Spanning tree- Kruskal’s Algorithm, Prim’s Algorithm and Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm. 
Mapping of Course Outcomes for Unit VI CO6: Apply the knowledge of graph for solving the problems of spanning tree and shortest path algorithm.

Learning Resources 

Text Books: 

1. Ellis Horowitz and Sartaj Sahni, “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Galgotia Books Source,2 nd Edition 
2. Richard. F. Gilberg and Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C,” Cengage Learning, 2 nd Edition. 

Reference Books: 

1. E Balgurusamy, “Programming in ANSI C”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 3 rd Edition. 
2. Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J Augenstein and Aaron M Tenenbaum “Data structures using C and C++” PHI Publications, 2 nd Edition. 
3. Reema Thareja, “Data Structures using C”, Oxford University Press, 2 nd Edition.

MOOC / NPTEL Courses: 

1.  Programming and Data Structure
2.  Data Structure and Algorithm

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