Saturday, 29 September 2018

Microprocessor 80386 lab Experiment no 02

Experiment No: 02
            Write X86/64 ALP to perform non-overlapped and overlapped block transfer (with and without string specific instructions). Block containing data can be defined in the data segment.

1)      To study the basic concepts of assembly language.
2)      To practically implement instruction set of 80386 microprocessor.
3)      To study How to accept and display the numbers by using assembly programming theory.
1.      OS: ubuntu 12.10
2.      Assembler: NASM
3.      Linker: ld
                        Program for non-overlapped and overlapped block transfer of array elements. Takes the array elements from the user and also the number of elements to be overlapped in overlapped transfer. Block transfer here, refers to moving of block of data within the memory to a different location. In non-overlapped transfer we move the data to a completely new location. It is easily accomplished by copying the data using two pointers, one data byte at a time. In overlapped transfer the data block is shifted slightly from the present position, thus some of the starting elements may overlap with the old position of the last elements in the array. They are therefore copied in reverse order.
            Registers are places in the CPU where a number can be stored and manipulated. There are three sizes of registers: 8-bit, 16-bit and on 386 and above 32-bit. There are four different
Types of registers:
1. General Purpose Registers,
2. Segment Registers,
3. Index Registers,
4. Stack Registers.

General Registers – Following are the registers that are used for general purposes in 80386
EAX accumulator (32 bit)
 AX accumulator (16 bit)
AH accumulator high-order byte (8 bit)
AL accumulator low-order byte (8 bit)

EBX   (32 bit)
BX  (16 bit)
BH  (8 bit)
BL (8 bit)

ECX count and accumulator (32 bit)
CX count and accumulator (16 bit)
CH count high order byte (8 bit)
CL count low order byte (8 bit)

EDX data and I/O address (32 bit)
DX data and I/O address (16 bit)
DH data high order byte (8 bit)
DL data low order byte (8 bit)

Segment Registers - These registers are used to calculate 20 bit address from 16 bit registers.
CS code segment (16 bit)
DS data segment (16 bit)
SS stack segment (16 bit)
ES extra segment (16 bit)

Index Registers - These registers are used with the string instructions.
EDI destination index (32 bit)
ESI source index (32 bit)

Pointers - These registers are used with the segment register to obtain 20 bit
ESP stack pointer (32 bit)
EBP base pointer (32 bit)

CS, Code Segment (16 bit)
Used to “point” to Instructions, Determines a Memory Address (along with IP)
Segmented Address written as CS:IP

DS, Data Segment (16 bit)
Used to “point” to Data. Determines Memory Address (along with other registers)

ES, Extra Segment (16 bit) allows 2 Data Address Registers
SS, Stack Segment (16 bit) Used to “point” to Data in Stack Structure (LIFO)
Used with SP or BP
SS:SP or SS:BP are valid Segmented Addresses

EIP instruction pointer (32 bit)
IP, Instruction Pointer
Used to “point” to Instructions Determines a Memory Address (along with CS)
Segmented Address written as CS:IP
SI, Source Index;
DI, Destination Index
Used to “point” to Data Determines Memory Address (along with other registers)
DS, ES commonly used
ESP, Stack Pointer;
EBP, Base Pointer
Used to “point” to Data in Stack Structure (LIFO) Used with SS SS:SP or SS:BP are valid Segmented Addresses

Memory address calculations
The 80386 uses a 32 bit address bus but the registers are sixteen bit as well as 32 bit. To derive 32 bit addresses from the register s two registers are combined. Every memory reference uses one of the four segment registers plus an offset and/or a base pointer and/or a index register. The segment register is multiplied by sixteen (shifted to the left four bits) and added to the sixteen bit result of the offset calculation.

The 8086 provides four segment registers for address calculations. Each segment register is assigned a different task. The code segment register is always used with the instruction pointer (also called the program counter) to point to the instruction that is to be executed next. The stack segment register is always used with the stack pointer to point to the last value pushed onto the stack. The extra segment is general purpose segment register. The data segment register is the default register to calculate data operations, this can be overridden by specifying the segment register. For example mov ax,var1 would use the offset var1 and the data segment to calculate the memory reference but mov ax,ss:var1 would use the offset var1 and the stack segment register to calculate the memory reference. The offset can be calculated in a number of ways. Their are three elements that can make up an offset. The first element is a base register, this can be one of the BX of BP registers (the BP register defaults to the stack segment). The second element is one of the index register, SI or DI. The third element is a displacement. A displacement can be a numerical value or an offset to a label. An offset can contain one to three of these elements, making a total of sixteen possibilities.

or + or + Displacement
(base) (index)
The offset to a label in calculated using the assembler directive OFFSET. This directive makes the assembler calculate the distant from the start of the segment that the label resides in to the label.

Memory Segmentation
x86 Memory Partitioned into Segments
– 8086: maximum size is 64K (16-bit index reg.)
– 8086: can have 4 active segments (CS, SS, DS, ES)
– 8086: 2-data; 1-code; 1-stack
– x386: maximum size is 4GB (32-bit index reg.)
– x386: can have 6 active segments (4-data; FS, GS)

Why have segmented memory?
Other microprocessors could only address 64K since they only had a single 16-bit MAR (or smaller). Segments allowed computers to be built that could use more than 64K memory (but not all at the same time).

Note that segments can overlap. This means that two different logical addresses can refer
to the same physical address (aliasing).In non-overlapping method, address of source is totally different from address of destination. Therefore, we can directly transfer the data using MOVSB/MOVSW    instruction for transferring the data. The blocks are said to be overlapped if some of the memory locations are common for both the blocks.

Case I: If address in SI is greater than address in DI then start the data transfer from last
memory location keeping DF=1.

Case II: If address in SI is less than address in DI, then start the data transfer from first
memory location by keeping DF=0.

1. Start
2. Initialize data section
3. Load counter with number element for Addition
4. Locate first location of array of Number in Pointer Register
5. Initialize result-low and result high to 00
6. Scan the number from user and convert it into Hex
7. Increment Location Pointer Register.
8. Decrement counter
9. Jump tostep 6 if counteris not zero
10. Locate first location of arrayofnumbers inapointer register
 11. Initialize counterwith numberof elements for addition
 12. Add the element ofarraypointed bypointerregister
 13. Check the carryofaddition.If carryisgenerated then go to step 14elsegoto step15
 14. Increment result-high register
 15. Increment pointer registerto array
 16. Decrement counter
 17. Jump tostep 12 if counteris not equal to zero
 18. Displaythecontent ofResult-High ascarryof addition byconvertinghextoASCII
 19. Displaythecontent ofResult-Lowas result of addition byconvertinghextoASCII
 20. Stop



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